B2B Code Show
This issue we have two bits of handy code from one coder by the name of D M J Cronje, and two from Kiyote Wolf. Both snippets from Cronje were written in QB 4.5 but should compile in FBlite or QB64. Kiyote's code was written for FreeBASIC.
'This snippet demonstrates how to keep an 'increment or decrement within certain bounds 'It can be used for any other routine where an Inc or Decr is required. See 'the left and right arrow code 'A One liner - No IF..Then..END IF 'This code keeps the cursor between Row 1-24 and Column 1-80 'It can be used for any value requiring a limit 'Up, Down, Left, Right Arrows plus the following keys used as diagonal keys 'End (DownLeft), PgDn (DownRight), PgUp (UpRight), Home (UpLeft) 'When the diagonal keys reach Row 1 or 24 then they will go left or right 'until the Column limits are reached, (1-80). 'PLEASE NOTE Plus "+" actually does a minus and Minus "-" does a plus. 'Author : D M J Cronje 'Licence GPL - Which just means give 'me some credit as this is the source code. 'Freeware 'Based on a SUB from my program SHABRU.BAS (c) 1998 in QB4.5 'for completion of a fullscreen data page containing 28 fields. ' *********** End of Comments ************************************ DECLARE SUB PrintIt () 'Print a happy face DIM SHARED Row%, Col% 'Shared for use in SUB PrintIt SCREEN 12 'Set SCREEN WIDTH 80, 25 'Set Screen 80 Columns,25 Rows COLOR 14, 1 'Yellow on Blue background CLS 'Clear the SCREEN LOCATE , , 0 'Switch the cursor off Row% = 12: Col% = 40 LOCATE Row%, Col%: PRINT CHR$(2); 'start at centre of Screen LOCATE 25, 30: PRINT " Press Esc to Stop "; 'Message for user '********** THE MAIN MODULE *********************************** DO GetIn$ = "" 'No problems with Inkey$ DO GetIn$ = INKEY$ 'wait for a user key LOOP UNTIL GetIn$ <> "" 'LOOP WHILE GetIn$="" causes problems 'It clears the buffer and then 'Continues not waiting for a key Press 'This way it waits COLOR 0, 1 LOCATE Row%, Col% PRINT " "; 'Delete happy face (old row,col) SELECT CASE GetIn$ 'process the key CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) 'Down Arrow Row% = Row% - (Row% < 24) 'Plus 1. Stops at 24 PrintIt 'Print happy face CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) 'Up arrow Row% = Row% + (Row% > 1) 'Minus 1. Stops at 1 PrintIt CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(77) 'Right Arrow Col% = Col% - (Col% < 80) 'Plus 1. Stops at 80 PrintIt CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(75) 'Left arrow Col% = Col% + (Col% > 1) 'Minus 1. Stops at 1 PrintIt CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(73) 'PagUp ( Diagonal UpRight) Row% = Row% + (Row% > 1) Col% = Col% - (Col% < 80) PrintIt CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(71) 'Home (Diagonal UpLeft) Row% = Row% + (Row% > 1) Col% = Col% + (Col% > 1) PrintIt CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(79) 'End (Diagonal LeftDown) Row% = Row% - (Row% < 24) Col% = Col% + (Col% > 1) PrintIt CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(81) 'PgDn (Diagonal RightDown) Row% = Row% - (Row% < 24) Col% = Col% - (Col% < 80) PrintIt END SELECT LOOP UNTIL GetIn$ = CHR$(27) 'Exit if Esc pressed RESET CLOSE END SUB PrintIt COLOR 14, 1 'Yellow on Blue BackGround LOCATE Row%, Col% PRINT CHR$(2); 'Print a happy face at the new co-ordinates END SUB
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'A Menu program with highlights and up/Down arrow keys 'Programmed in QB4.5 'Freeware : Open source 'Licence GPL. Meaning give me credit, nothing else, this is the source. 'Snippet name MenuArow.BAS 'Author D M J Cronje 'This snippet demonstrates : How to use Arrow keys, CALL, SHARE 'CONST, DIM a STRING to a Fixed length 'It also shows how to CALL a SUB with or without using CALL 'The Menu Box size is calculated and the Box is centralized on the screen REM $DYNAMIC 'Best utilization of memory for arrays DEFINT A-Z DECLARE SUB SenterTxt (YPos%, Senter$) DECLARE SUB ChoiceGet (RowBeg, RowEnd) DECLARE SUB ChoiceShow (Max) DECLARE SUB FrameBox (BeginRow%, BeginKol%, EndRow%, EndKol%) DECLARE SUB FrameScreen (Heading$) DIM SHARED Choose$, Heading$, Author$, Choice$ 'SHARED between all SUBs DIM SHARED Maks CONST RowBeg = 6 'Begin Row - Offset 'Begin Col is calculated OPTION BASE 1 'Set arrays to start at 1 '--------------------- Messages -------------------------------- Choose$ = " Press the letter of your choice or use Up/Down ArrowKey+Enter" Author$ = " By D M J Cronj‚ " '-------------------- MENU CHOICES ------------------------------- 'The Max STRING length is 74 chars: Due to Offset and Box size 'MenuBox width is calculated using the STRING length Maks = 6 'Number choices & Rows. Pos of MenuBox limits Max to 16 REDIM SHARED MENUS(Maks) AS STRING * 31 'Fixed Length of Menu item 'use length of longest item MENUS(1) = " Input new member's data" 'A MENUS(2) = " Change/view a member's data" 'B MENUS(3) = " Make changes on the whole list" 'C MENUS(4) = " Delete an entry" 'D MENUS(5) = " Restore an entry" 'E MENUS(6) = " Exit the program" 'F 1 : '--------------------- Start/Restart here -------------------------------- RESET 'In case there are open files CLOSE SCREEN 0 'Set SCREEN, Width, Initial colors WIDTH 80, 25 COLOR 14, 1 'Yellow on blue CLS '---------------------- PRINT THE MENU ----------------------------- Heading$ = " Sharleen Club Records " 'Set and reset the original Heading COLOR 14, 1 FrameScreen Heading$ 'Call a SUB without using CALL CALL ChoiceShow(Maks) 'Call a SUB using CALL '---------------------- GET THE CHOICE ----------------------------- ChoiceGet RowBeg, Maks 'CALL SUB passing values by reference '-------------------- PROCESS THE CHOICE --------------------------- LOCATE , , 1 'Switch cursor back on Gto = ASC(Choice$) - 64 'Convert A-F to 1-5 Heading$ = MENUS(Gto) 'Set heading to Choice '------------------- GOTO THE CHOSEN MODULE ------------------------ 'ON Gto GOTO MA, MB, MC, MD, ME, MF 'REMmed out to prevent errors 'Change the above labels to meet your requirements. '----------------- YOUR CODE/MODULES GO HERE ---------------------- ' GOTO 1 'Restart after Choice was processed '--------- THE NEXT LINES ONLY CONFIRM YOUR CHOICE --------- Chose: CLS PRINT "Your choice was : " + Choice$ + " -" + MENUS(Gto) PRINT PRINT "Press any key to continue" SLEEP CLOSE RESET END '-------------------- END OF MAIN MODULE ---------------------------- REM $STATIC SUB ChoiceGet (RowBeg, RowEnd) LOCATE , , 0 'Cursor Off:Use highlights instead '---------- KEEP ORIGINAL POSITIONS AND SET UP LIMITS ---------- OldRow = RowEnd 'Old POS for highlights & RowEnd = RowEnd + 5 'restore limits etc OldRow = RowEnd Row = RowEnd BegBox = 40 - (LEN(MENUS(1)) + 3) \ 2 'Calculate Box Begin Col KolEnd = LEN(MENUS(1)) 'Calculate Box End Col '---------- SET STARTING CHOICE TO "EXIT THE PROGRAM" ---------- COLOR 15, 2 'Highlight, White on Green LOCATE RowEnd, BegBox + 3 '+ 3 is a Box Pos Offset PRINT MENUS(RowEnd - 5); '- 5 is a Row Pos OffSet '---------- GET KEYBOARD INPUT ---------- DO Choice$ = "" Choice$ = UCASE$(INKEY$) 'Change input to upper case SELECT CASE Choice$ CASE "A" TO "F" 'Allow only "A" to "F" EXIT DO CASE CHR$(13) 'Chose a Highlighted item & Choice$ = CHR$(Row + 65 - RowBeg) 'Converts Row to letter EXIT DO CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) 'Down Arrow IF Row = RowEnd THEN Row = RowBeg - 1 'Wraps to first Row Row = Row - (Row < RowEnd) 'Plus 1 until Row=RowEnd CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) 'Up arrow etc. IF Row = RowBeg THEN Row = RowEnd + 1 'Wraps to end Row Row = Row + (Row > RowBeg) 'Minus 1 until Row=RowBeg END SELECT '---------- HIGHLIGHT THE ROW ---------- SELECT CASE Row CASE RowBeg TO RowEnd IF OldRow <> Row THEN 'Arrow Key was pressed COLOR 15, 2 'Highlight. White on Green LOCATE Row, BegBox + 3 PRINT MENUS(Row - 5); 'Print highlighted item COLOR 14, 1 'Normal colours. Yellow on Blue LOCATE OldRow, BegBox + 3 PRINT MENUS(OldRow - 5); 'Remove highlight END IF OldRow = Row END SELECT LOOP COLOR 14, 1 'Reset to Yellow on Blue LOCATE , , 1 'Switch cursor on END SUB SUB ChoiceShow (Max) '---------- Calculate Box Size and then draw the box ---------- FixedLen = LEN(MENUS(1)) + 3 BegBox = 40 - (FixedLen \ 2) 'calculatye MenuBox start Col LastCol = FixedLen + BegBox 'The size of the Box LastRow = RowBeg + Max CALL FrameBox(RowBeg - 1, BegBox - 1, LastRow, LastCol) '---------- Print the Menu items ---------- FOR i = 1 TO Max LOCATE i + 5, BegBox + 3 'Initial Row=i + Offset of 5 & PRINT MENUS(i); 'Calculated Col + Offset of 3 NEXT COLOR 0, 7 'Black on low White FOR i = 1 TO Max LOCATE i + 5, BegBox PRINT " "; CHR$(i + 64); " "; 'Print A etc in front of items NEXT LOCATE 24, 10: PRINT Choose$; 'How to choose message COLOR 14, 1 'Reset colour to yellow on blue END SUB SUB FrameBox (BeginRow, BeginKol, EndRow, EndKol) ' ÚÄ¿ Print Box using block graphics ' ÀÄÙ BoxWide = EndKol - BeginKol + 1 'Calculate width of Box 'Print top row Ú Ä ¿ LOCATE BeginRow, BeginKol PRINT CHR$(218); STRING$(BoxWide - 2, CHR$(196)); CHR$(191); 'Print sides of Box ³ FOR a = BeginRow + 1 TO EndRow - 1 LOCATE a, BeginKol PRINT CHR$(179); TAB(EndKol); CHR$(179); NEXT a 'Print bottom row À Ä Ù LOCATE EndRow, BeginKol PRINT CHR$(192); STRING$(BoxWide - 2, CHR$(196)); CHR$(217); END SUB SUB FrameScreen (Heading$) STATIC RANDOMIZE TIMER Vul$ = STRING$(78, (INT(RND * 28) + 98)) 'Randomize a Char to PRINT in Box COLOR 0, 11 FrameBox 1, 1, 3, 80 ' Draw a Box at top of screen FrameBox 23, 1, 25, 80 ' Draw a Box at bottom of screen LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT Vul$; ' Fill Box with a letter LOCATE 24, 2: PRINT Vul$; COLOR 14, 11 SenterTxt 2, Heading$ ' CALL From within a SUB i.e replace a Gosub COLOR 14, 1 ' in a SUB etc. (Preferred way) SenterTxt 4, Author$ END SUB SUB SenterTxt (YPos, Centre$) STATIC LOCATE YPos, 41 - (LEN(Centre$) \ 2) ' Centre text on a 80 column screen PRINT Centre$; END SUB
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Polygon plotting routine
Kiyote has this to say about this chunck of code:
This is a routine I hatched awhile ago.
Since we are passing a bunch of point data to the routine to draw our n-gon, I use my string method with the semicolon delimeters to separate individual values.
The FUNCTION GridMulti extracts values from a string of data encoded as such.
A string like that, passed to the DrawPolygon routine, would tell it 3 points, a triangle, and to put the points at (20,20), (30,30), and (40,40).
Obviously, if you add more ordered pairs, you increase the count, the first value in the list.
I’m sure this can be optimized, but I’m not big on optimization. Not that I don’t like it, just I’m not very good at it.
It draws the polygon, and then once over itself, shifted by one pixel, to close up any gaps. I could’ve increased the precision on the loop which scales the points, but instead I overlap the polygons to do the same job quicker.
declare sub DrawPolygon (PointsIn as string, ColrIn as longint) declare function vert4(ByVal innr As integer) As String declare function GridMulti(ByVal InChar As String, Cnt As Integer) As Integer declare FUNCTION AngleOut (Angx1 as integer, Angy1 as integer, Angx2 as integer, Angy2 as integer) as double FUNCTION AngleOut (Angx1 as integer, Angy1 as integer, Angx2 as integer, Angy2 as integer) as double dim Rise as double, Runn as double dim m as double IF Angx1 = Angx2 AND Angy1 = Angy2 THEN AngleOut = 0: EXIT FUNCTION rise = Angy2 - Angy1 runn = Angx1 - Angx2 IF Angx1 = Angx2 THEN IF SGN(rise) = 1 THEN m = 0 IF SGN(rise) = -1 THEN m = 180 END IF IF Angx1 = Angx2 THEN AngleOut = m: EXIT FUNCTION IF Angx1 <> Angx2 THEN m = ATN(rise / runn) * 57.296 IF SGN(runn) = -1 THEN m = m + 180 END IF END IF IF m < 0 THEN m = m + 360 AngleOut = m END FUNCTION function GridMulti(ByVal InChar As String, Cnt As Integer) As Integer Dim in2 As String, w As Integer, z As Integer If InChar = "" Then Exit Function 'ex.: All entries must have a ; after numerics--one two or 3 z = InStr(InChar, ";") Select Case Cnt Case 0 in2 = InChar Case Else in2 = InChar For z = 1 To Cnt w = InStr(in2, ";") in2 = Mid$(in2, w + 1) Next z End Select 'IF z THEN GridMulti = Val(in2) ' ELSE ' GridMulti = -1 'END IF End Function function vert4(ByVal innr As integer) As String Dim in2 As Long in2 = CLng(innr) vert4 = LTrim(Str(in2)) + ";" End Function sub DrawPolygon (PointsIn as string, ColrIn as longint) REM cnt,x,y,x,y,x,y,x,y dim ministeps as double dim Nulll as integer dim xctr as integer, yctr as integer dim xin(20) as integer, yin(20) as integer, ang(20) as double, dist(20) as double dim cntcnt as integer cntcnt = GridMulti(PointsIn,0) for Nulll = 1 to cntcnt xin(Nulll - 1) = GridMulti(PointsIn, (Nulll - 1) * 2 + 1) yin(Nulll - 1) = GridMulti(PointsIn, (Nulll - 1) * 2 + 2) next Nulll xctr = xin(0) yctr = yin(0) for Nulll = 2 to cntcnt xctr = int((xctr + xin(Nulll - 1)) / 2) yctr = int((yctr + yin(Nulll - 1)) / 2) next Nulll for Nulll = 1 to cntcnt ang(Nulll - 1) = AngleOut(xin(Nulll - 1), yin(Nulll - 1), xctr, yctr) dist(Nulll - 1) = sqr((xin(Nulll - 1) - xctr) ^ 2 + (yin(Nulll - 1) - yctr) ^ 2) next Nulll for ministeps = 0 to 1 step .001 line(xctr + cos(ang(0) / 57.296) * Dist(0) * ministeps, yctr - sin(ang(0) / 57.296) * Dist(0) * ministeps) - _ (xctr + cos(ang(1) / 57.296) * Dist(1) * ministeps, yctr - sin(ang(1) / 57.296) * Dist(1) * ministeps), ColrIn for Nulll = 3 to cntcnt line-(xctr + cos(ang(Nulll - 1) / 57.296) * Dist(Nulll - 1) * ministeps, yctr - sin(ang(Nulll - 1) / 57.296) * Dist(Nulll - 1) * ministeps), ColrIn next Nulll line-(xctr + cos(ang(0) / 57.296) * Dist(0) * ministeps, yctr - sin(ang(0) / 57.296) * Dist(0) * ministeps), ColrIn line(xctr + cos(ang(0) / 57.296) * Dist(0) * ministeps + 1, yctr - sin(ang(0) / 57.296) * Dist(0) * ministeps) - _ (xctr + cos(ang(1) / 57.296) * Dist(1) * ministeps + 1, yctr - sin(ang(1) / 57.296) * Dist(1) * ministeps), ColrIn for Nulll = 3 to cntcnt line-(xctr + cos(ang(Nulll - 1) / 57.296) * Dist(Nulll - 1) * ministeps + 1, yctr - sin(ang(Nulll - 1) / 57.296) * Dist(Nulll - 1) * ministeps), ColrIn next Nulll line-(xctr + cos(ang(0) / 57.296) * Dist(0) * ministeps + 1, yctr - sin(ang(0) / 57.296) * Dist(0) * ministeps), ColrIn next ministeps for Nulll = 1 to cntcnt pset(xin(Nulll-1), yin(Nulll-1)), rgb(255,255,255) line(xin(Nulll-1)-1, yin(Nulll-1)-1)-(xin(Nulll-1)+1, yin(Nulll-1)+1), rgb(255,255,255), bf next Nulll end sub screen 18,32 dim MaxScrnX as integer = 640 dim MaxScrnY as integer = 480 dim repeater as integer dim Nul as integer cls dim polystrg as string do Repeater = int(rnd(1)*20) polystrg = vert4(Repeater + 1) + vert4(int(rnd(1)*MaxScrnX)) polystrg = polystrg + vert4(int(rnd(1)*MaxScrnY)) for Nul = 0 to Repeater - 1 polystrg = polystrg + vert4(int(rnd(1)*MaxScrnX)) polystrg = polystrg + vert4(int(rnd(1)*MaxScrnY)) next Nul DrawPolygon polystrg, rgb(int(rnd(1)*256), int(rnd(1)*256), int(rnd(1)*256)) 'RGBclrout24(11) sleep cls loop until multikey(1)
Virtual 3rd Mouse Button
This is a virtual 3rd button, for the mouse.
You intercept the mouse, and if you register a right click, then you call this routine.
To use this ‘virtual’ 3rd mouse button, you have to hold the right mouse button, and while holding it, press the left mouse button, then release the right, THEN, finally release the left.
You pass over the possession of the mouse buttons, while the right is being held constant, you activate the left, then release the right, and finally let go of the left as well.
There is a shareware package, MVP Paint, which uses this, just in case the user doesn’t have a 3 button mouse.
When alot of DOS programs came out, there was various methods of dealing with what perhipherals the user had.
This give your user an extra functionality, without having to make the user let go of the mouse.
I used this, to let my user adjust a magnifying glass ball, changing the size with the left and right buttons. When the user wanted to actually place the effect against the background, he has to use the 3rd mouse button to active and drop the effect on the workspace.
dim shared MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer, MouseLeft as integer dim shared MouseRight as integer dim shared MouseFontX as integer, MouseFontY as integer declare sub UpdateMouse declare function TripleClick () as integer sub UpdateMouse dim MseX as integer, MseY as integer, MseB as integer, MseOk as integer MseOk = GetMouse(MseX,MseY,,MseB) if MseX = -1 then MseX = 0 MseY = 0 MseB = 0 end if MouseX = MseX MouseY = MseY MouseFontX = int(MseX / 4)+1 MouseFontY = int(MseY / 6)+1 If MseB And 1 Then MouseLeft = -1 else MouseLeft = 0 End If If MseB And 2 Then MouseRight = -1 else MouseRight = 0 End if sleep 1,1 End Sub function TripleClick () as integer TripleClick = 0 if MouseRight then do updatemouse if (MouseLeft = 0) and (MouseRight = 0) then TripleClick = -1 end if if (MouseLeft <> 0) and (MouseRight <> 0) then do UpdateMouse TripleClick = -2 loop until MouseLeft = 0 end if loop until MouseRight = 0 end if end function dim Reusable as integer screen 18 do UpdateMouse if MouseRight then Reusable = TripleClick if Reusable = -1 then print "Right Button" if Reusable = -2 then print "Middle Button" end if loop until MouseLeft